
A message from our CEO

A message from our CEO to update you on the recent decision by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) regarding changes to your power bill.

You Asked, We Answer: Why did I get an email about higher than usual power usage?

MyEnergy Insights provides information and tips to help you make informed decisions about your power use. We’re sharing our answers to your top questions about this tool and the high-usage notifications you may be receiving.

Powerful Perspectives: Women in Energy

This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the women that are working to make a difference for our customers and keeping electricity flowing to our communities.

The significance of African Heritage Month

We chatted with Ann Wilson and Ibimina Koko, members of the Black Employee Resource Group at our company, about African Heritage Month, its significance and how it reflects their own experiences.

Safety tips: How to stay safe and ready this storm season

We know power outages are inconvenient and can impact your life. That’s why we’re sharing how our team stays storm ready, and we encourage you to do the same by following a few safety and preparedness tips.